Mikhail Papkov

Deep Learning Research for Health Imaging


Hi, I’m a PhD student (aka Junior Research Fellow) at the Biomedical Computer Vision Lab, University of Tartu, supervised by Leopold Parts.

Our team focuses on different aspects of health image analysis with neural networks. My academic interests include inverse problems (super-resolution, denoising, and deconvolution), self-supervised learning, and working with weak/incomplete annotations.

Previously, I studied Medical Physics and developed algorithms for pediatric and neonatal ECG analysis. Most of my spare time in the last bachelor’s year was spent at Bioinformatics Institute, and then I moved to Tartu for a master’s (and then doctorate) degree in Computer Science. I have also interned at Google Research, developing an organ segmentation system for radiotherapy planning.

I enjoy travelling, sports, and quizzing (both competitive — in Russian and English — and on TV).